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みなさん、こんにちは。 私のサングスギビングの休みはとてもいそがしかったです。でも、とてもたのしかったです。火曜日にぼくのかのじょうとうちにかえりました。ごじかんぐらいかかりました。水曜日ともだちとあって、大きいひるごはんをたべました。水曜日のばんしゅくだいをしまして、べんきょうしました。木曜日にそふぼのうちにたべにいきました。そして、テレビをみました。金曜日のあさじゅうをうつ。そして、スケートボードをしました。 金曜日のばんともだちのうちにばんごはんをたべにいきました。ともだちとはなして、ボードゲームをしました。土曜日にかぞくとあって、たくさんおいしものをたべました。日曜日にノートルダムにかえりました。




Japanese houses and American houses have many similarities and differences. The most noticeable differences is the size. 日本のうちはとてもちさいです。 I am use to much more space. Even the appliances are more compact. The houses in both America and Japan seem to have mostly the same things though despite the difference in size. The entryway in Japanese homes is much different than in America though. It is not uncommon to wear shoes inside houses in America so there usually isn’t a special area like a げんかん to remove your shoes. Japanese homes have a very interesting mix of traditional and modern houses. The rooms themselves are very traditionally styled, but they still have modern appliances and furniture. American houses and Japanese houses are different in a couple of ways, but they are not as different as they may appear to be. わたしのへやはらんざつなです。ベッドとつくえととだながあります。そして、たくさんの本があります。机の上にあります。そしてベッドがあります。わたしのへやのなかにコンピュータがあります。よくしくだいをします。そしてべんじょうします。わたしはとてもいしょがしいです。たいていわたしのへやのなかにわたしがいますよ。


私のりょうはキヨホールです。私のへやは三かい。へやに机があります。とてもらんざつですよ。 机の上にコンピュータとモニターがあります。しょしてろんぶんとノートがあります。机のなかにえんぴつとボールペンがあります。机のうしろに戸棚があります。戸棚のなかにふくがあります。戸棚のよこにたんすがあります。たんすのなかにたくさんの食べものがあります。そしておちゃがあります。

スタバ:アメリカ vs. 日本

スタバ in アメリカ and 日本 are very different. They both have a bunch of different beverages (most of which I will probably never drink) but Japan takes the prize for the most interesting ones. There are so many more flavors of drinks and weird concoctions that look amazing. They even have an origami coffee maker. They also have matcha tea which doesn't look to appealing to me, but I'm sure it would taste fine. 日本のスタバ also has a lot more food than アメリカのスタバ . All in all, 日本 definitely wins this round.


スミスさん:おはいようごさいます、たなかさん。 たなかさん:おはいようごあします。 スミスさん:なんにをしますか。 たなかさん:日本についてよんですいます。 スミスさん:日本にどんなところがありますか。 たなかさん;嵐山があります。そしててんりゅうじがあります。 スミスさん:嵐山はどこにありますか。 たなかさん:きょうとのしかくにありますよ。 スミスさん:そうですね。何があります。 たなかさん:えと、てんりゅうじがあります。そしていわた山モンきーパークがあります。 スミスさん:てんりゅうじはどんなじいんですか。 たなかさん:とてもりっぱなじいんです。そしてゆめいですよ。 スミスさん:ちゅそんじはどんなじいんですか。 たなかさん:とてもふるいじいんです。 スミスさん:いいですね。それをみたい。


私はインテ イ アナしゅうのからきました。みなみです。そして、とてもちさいです。 ふるいです。そして、あまりきれいじゃありません。 でも、あたらしいこえんがありました。とてもいいです。


こんにちは、みなさん。 Today I am going to share with you some random カタカナ expressions that I found. The first ones that came to mind were ラムネ sodas. They are one of the few Japanese beverages that I could ever get where I am from (although I could never read what they said). Japanese drinks  are some of my favorites. Not only do they have a unique presentation like in ラムネ、but they also come in tons of different flavors that you don't see in American beverages. They were a great way to switch things up every once in a while.  Japanese snacks are just as great. They have just as many flavors and tons of different types of candies. Even ordinary American candies like Kit Kats have different flavors that aren't made anywhere else. There are even ラムネ flavored Kit Kats! I hope you liked some of these カタカナ words, they are definitely ones that I will use often. じゃあ、また and remember to snack wisely.




こんばんは みなさん。わたしはかがくのべんきょうしました そして、せいぶつがくのしゅうくだいをしました。 I thought I would go ahead and make a quick post こんばん since I just finished my しゅうくだい。 I wanted to share a short series of animations that I found a few weeks ago. It is a series of two minute long clips of everyday things. It is called ほのぼのログ。If you're looking for a nice and quick pick-me-up I would highly recommend it. I hope you enjoy!

ランダム: パルと一

こんいちは、みなさん。So I have decided to star making random posts about certain parts of Japanese culture that I love. こんばん、after looking a couple of other ブログ I thought that I would share some 音楽。 これは one of my favorite anime openings. It is a different version than is originally in the anime, but personally I like this one better. It is from an anime called Tokyo Ghoul. It is a little violent and gory, but I loved the first season. Unfortunately, the second season wasn't nearly as good. I highly recommend giving this song a listen and maybe watching a few episodes of the anime. ありがとうごさいます for reading. I hope you enjoy it.

My Daily Schedule

ごぜんはちじはんにおきます。あさごはんをたべません。クラスにきます。サウトダイ二ぐホル (south dining hall)  でひるごはんをたべます。りょうでべんきょうしをします。サウトダイ二ぐホル (south dining hall)  でばんごはんをたべます。りょうでかえります。しゅくだいをします。シャワーをあびます。ごぜんじゅうにじはんごろにねます。 I'm not sure if everything makes sense but hopefully it is somewhat understandable. There were still a few things that I was wanting to add but wasn't sure how to say but hopefully within the next week we will cover more material and I will be able to say everything that I might do in a day in Japanese.


こんにちわ。はじめまして、ウオーカーです。わたしはあめりかじんです。 Notre Dame のいちねんせいです。せんこうはかがくとせいぶつがく。どうぞうよろしく。 There are several things about Japanese pop culture that I love, but one of the things that I hold dearest is video games. I have been playing video games for about as long as I can remember, and it always seems the ones that remember the most are made by Japanese video game companies. Nintendo has made many of my favorite video games such as Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, and Mario. These are all games I have been playing since I was a kid, but I never get tired of them. Another one of my favorite game companies is Square Enix, who are the makers of the Final Fantasy series among others. The Final Fantasy game franchise has some of the greatest stories and characters out of all the video games I have ever played. Currently, I have played eleven out of the soon to be fifteen main title games and I loved every one of them. The fact that so many of my favorite video games all came from the...

And So it Begins!

こんにちわ、みなさん . This blog marks the start of my journey towards learning 日本語 . So first off is the question of why I want to learn how to speak Japanese. There are a variety of different reasons, but they all revolve around a fascination with Japanese culture. Japanese and American culture interact with each other in many different ways, yet they still retain their many unique aspects. The mingling of cultures has allowed me to discover several aspects of Japanese culture that I find extremely interesting. The food, the entertainment, the history, the etiquette; all of this bears a mysterious and foreign aspect for me and it is an interest that I want to explore farther. Whenever I get the opportunity to explore a new facet of Japanese culture I make sure to take it. I have already begun to pursue my interests in the entertainment and food aspects of modern Japan. I am a huge fan of Japanese video game companies, manga, anime, as well as Japanese food. This has given a minor exposure to...