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And So it Begins!

こんにちわ、みなさん. This blog marks the start of my journey towards learning 日本語. So first off is the question of why I want to learn how to speak Japanese. There are a variety of different reasons, but they all revolve around a fascination with Japanese culture. Japanese and American culture interact with each other in many different ways, yet they still retain their many unique aspects. The mingling of cultures has allowed me to discover several aspects of Japanese culture that I find extremely interesting. The food, the entertainment, the history, the etiquette; all of this bears a mysterious and foreign aspect for me and it is an interest that I want to explore farther. Whenever I get the opportunity to explore a new facet of Japanese culture I make sure to take it. I have already begun to pursue my interests in the entertainment and food aspects of modern Japan. I am a huge fan of Japanese video game companies, manga, anime, as well as Japanese food. This has given a minor exposure to Japanese culture, but I want to delve deeper. To truly get a sense of the history and culture, I need to be able to understand the language. I have great expectations for this class and am looking forward to working with all of you.  よろしくおねがいします!


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  2. はじめまして。わたしはblindのTAです。 When we meet, please tell me what you explored.よろしくおねがいします。


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