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Japanese houses and American houses have many similarities and differences. The most noticeable differences is the size. 日本のうちはとてもちさいです。 I am use to much more space. Even the appliances are more compact. The houses in both America and Japan seem to have mostly the same things though despite the difference in size. The entryway in Japanese homes is much different than in America though. It is not uncommon to wear shoes inside houses in America so there usually isn’t a special area like a げんかん to remove your shoes.

Japanese homes have a very interesting mix of traditional and modern houses. The rooms themselves are very traditionally styled, but they still have modern appliances and furniture. American houses and Japanese houses are different in a couple of ways, but they are not as different as they may appear to be.



  1. らんざつ isn't a basic word, I believe. I'm wondering where you learned らんざつ.

    1. I am subscribed to an email list that sends out different Japanese words daily. Most of them aren't very common words either. It was a word that I first saw from there.

  2. はじめまして、りゅういちです。


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