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こんにちわ。はじめまして、ウオーカーです。わたしはあめりかじんです。Notre Dame のいちねんせいです。せんこうはかがくとせいぶつがく。どうぞうよろしく。

There are several things about Japanese pop culture that I love, but one of the things that I hold dearest is video games. I have been playing video games for about as long as I can remember, and it always seems the ones that remember the most are made by Japanese video game companies. Nintendo has made many of my favorite video games such as Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, and Mario.

These are all games I have been playing since I was a kid, but I never get tired of them. Another one of my favorite game companies is Square Enix, who are the makers of the Final Fantasy series among others. The Final Fantasy game franchise has some of the greatest stories and characters out of all the video games I have ever played. Currently, I have played eleven out of the soon to be fifteen main title games and I loved every one of them.

The fact that so many of my favorite video games all came from the same country was one of the reasons I started taking interest in more aspects of Japanese pop culture. This is where my motivation to learn Japanese first began.

Thanks for reading and じゃあ、また。


  1. I've been a Nintendo fan since I was kid as well. So many good memories from playing them. I haven't had a chance to check out many of Square Enix's titles unfortunately (I've heard that they're very good though).

    1. I like playing Kirby on Super Smash Bros.

  2. Your post tells me you love video games so much. I hope you learn other aspects of Japanese culture as much as video games. Your Japanese is good. Keep learning and practicing.


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