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My Daily Schedule

ごぜんはちじはんにおきます。あさごはんをたべません。クラスにきます。サウトダイ二ぐホル(south dining hall) でひるごはんをたべます。りょうでべんきょうしをします。サウトダイ二ぐホル(south dining hall) でばんごはんをたべます。りょうでかえります。しゅくだいをします。シャワーをあびます。ごぜんじゅうにじはんごろにねます。

I'm not sure if everything makes sense but hopefully it is somewhat understandable. There were still a few things that I was wanting to add but wasn't sure how to say but hopefully within the next week we will cover more material and I will be able to say everything that I might do in a day in Japanese.


  1. ああ、そですか?It seems like no one eats breakfast haha. Could I make a suggestion? I think you should write your sentences with spaces instead of one long string of characters. It would be easier to read imo. I could be wrong about this so I'd like a second opinion if possible. Anyway, other than that, looks good!

  2. クラスはなんじにありますか。

  3. くじさんじゅっぷんにあります。

  4. You did a good job! なんじなんぷんにりょうにかえりますか。


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