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ランダム: パルと一

こんいちは、みなさん。So I have decided to star making random posts about certain parts of Japanese culture that I love. こんばん、after looking a couple of other ブログ I thought that I would share some 音楽。

これは one of my favorite anime openings. It is a different version than is originally in the anime, but personally I like this one better. It is from an anime called Tokyo Ghoul. It is a little violent and gory, but I loved the first season. Unfortunately, the second season wasn't nearly as good. I highly recommend giving this song a listen and maybe watching a few episodes of the anime.

ありがとうごさいます for reading. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. いいですね。私は音楽が好きです。Generally, にほんごの音楽が好きではありません。It feels weird to say that on a Japanese blog. I am a pretty big fan of EDM, so I did find this song pretty appealing, though. Admittedly, I did not like the vocals all that much, but I can still understand why you like this song. It's got a lot of depth. The only Japanese original soundtracks (for anime, games, etc.) that I found myself enjoying are those without vocals or very heavy rock or metal type songs. If it's something you liked doing, I think you should continue to make posts about different songs like this, it's a very cool idea.


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